How do I protect my IP from leaking?

Are you wanted to protect your IP from leaking, then you are in the right article, here we are sharing step-by-step guide to fix Ip Leak. We live in a digital age where online privacy and protecting online stuff are getting more important. Amongst all aspects of online security, the most aspect key is making sure that the IP Address don’t leave. Because it can leak sensitive information like your personal details and expose the location. A few months back I was unaware of IP security and wondered about how do I protect my IP from leaking! Finally, I came across solutions that you will get in this blog.

What is an IP leak?

Before we explore how to fix ip leak, we should know about the term and general information. IP Leak is basically a VPN leak. It refers to the exposure of your real IP address unintentionally even if you use Virtual Private Network.

By connecting through VPN, the original IP gets hidden and all online activities are done anonymously. But there are several causes due to which IP leaks and you are at risk of getting exposed.

Causes of IP leaks:

Your online security and privacy might be at risk due to any of numerous probable reasons of an IP leak. Common causes of intellectual property leakage include:

1.   WebRTC :

Using a web browser, you may make and receive phone calls and instant messages thanks to a technology called Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). Your public IP address might be exposed if it is not configured properly.

2.   DNS Exposure:

Domain Name System (DNS) Vulnerability: The DNS transforms human-friendly domain names (like to their corresponding numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. If your DNS requests are not encrypted properly or are being performed by a compromised DNS server, a DNS leak may occur.

3.   VPN Misconfiguration:

If your Virtual Private Network (VPN) is improperly configured, your IP address may leak. If the VPN client is out of date, misconfigured, or the kill switch is not enabled (the kill switch cuts off access to the internet if the VPN connection drops), then this may happen.

4. Incorrect Firewall Configuration:

Your real IP might be revealed if your firewall is not correctly configured and permits certain traffic to avoid going via the VPN tunnel.

5. IPv6 Leaks:

Virtual private networks (VPNs) often support IP version 4, but not IP version 6. If your Internet service provider (ISP) supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connections but your virtual private network (VPN) does not, then your IPv6 address may be at danger.

6. Incorrect Proxy Settings:

It is possible for your IP address to leak if you use a proxy with a virtual private network and make a mistake configuring the proxy settings.

7. Software Vulnerabilities:

Browsers and VPN clients with obsolete software or improper settings may leak IP addresses.

8. Malware or Spyware:

Without your knowledge or consent, your IP address may be leaked by spyware, adware, and other forms of malicious software.

9. Operating System Vulnerabilities:

Some operating systems may have security flaws that expose users’ private data, including their IP addresses.

10. Browser Extensions:

Any extension or add-on that wasn’t built with security in mind runs the risk of exposing sensitive information.

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Different Types of Issues That May Reveal IP Address:

I had several types of research done through which I got to know that there are various types of leaks that may also leak my IP address.

But before that, you must know about Internet Leak Protection:

Internet leak protection:

Internet Leak Protection includes several measures that are taken to save private information from unintentional exposure. One type of Internet leak is an IP leak. But there are other leaks including  DNS leaks and WebRTC leaks.

By going through them I got my answer for How do I protect my IP from leaking.

1.   IPV6 Leaks:

As discussed above, several VPNs do not support IPV6 or newer versions of it resulting in IP leaks.

2.   DNS leaks:

Domain Name System (DNS) can leak if VPN servers do not route the queries . Instead of passing via VPN, they pass through the Default DNS server that ISP provides and as a result, IP leaks.

3.   WebRTC leaks:

Your IP address can also be leaked via Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). WebRTC is a built-in feature of a browser for communication using video or audio.

If you want to protect your data from internet leaks, you must adopt a multi-layered approach. It includes:

  • Utilizing firewalls
  • Update Software
  • Encryption Protocols
  • Strong Access controls
  • Monitoring the network regularly

Is leaking IP addresses dangerous?

If your IP address gets leaked, it can pose various risks that may breach your online security and privacy. By exposing IP addresses, malicious entities can easily track all of your online activities, potentially launch cyber attacks, and browse your habits and all your data.

Not only this but if your IP address is in the hands of hackers, they can launch direct attacks on your devices, go for unauthorized attempts and also exploit vulnerabilities. So, it is really important to keep your IP address safe.

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Why is it Necessary to Consider IP Leaks?

You must protect your IP from leaking and consider checking for the best internet leak protection. The main reasons why protecting the IP address is important are:

1.   Avoid Privacy breach:

Anyone around the world can track all your online activities using your IP result which poses an impact on your privacy. To keep your sensitive data safe, you must protect your IP.

2.   Overcoming Content Restrictions:

People use VPNs to bypass restrictions that are imposed in a certain region over certain websites. But if your IP leaks, it can reveal your location and you will be restricted in future to access the site.

3.   Track your VPN usage:

If your IP Leaks, your ISP will detect if you are using VPN and it can be risky if VPN usage is not allowed in your region.

How do I protect my IP from leaking?

How do you protect your IP from leaking? We will let you know in this blog so you may safeguard your IP address.

1.   Make Sure to Choose an Authentic VPN:

Always choose a reliable VPN provider that aims to add security to your networks. Moreover, also check that the VPN service you are taking has a normal no-logs policy as well. Always do proper research before using any VPN.

2.   By Enabling Kill Switch:

If your VPN connection drops, you can automatically disconnect the internet connection by a skill switch. As a result, your IP will not be exposed.

3.   Disable IPv6:

Make sure that your VPN is compatible with IPV6. In such a case in which your VPN is not compatible with IPv6 connectivity, then disable it. So it prevents the IP from leaking.

4.   Disable WebRTC:

In order to prevent IP from leaking, make sure WebRTC does not leak. So, you will need to disable its functionality from a web browser. All you need to do is:

  • Either Open Browser Setting to disable it
  • Or install the extension from the browser to disable WebRTC

5.   Test for leaks:

Regular checking whether VPN works effectively by hiding the IP address is necessary. So, the IP Leak test is helpful. These tools for testing check for all potential vulnerabilities as well.

6.   Keep VPN up to date:

Make sure to regularly update the VPN so you have the latest and updated bug fixes and security patches.

7.   Use Protected DNS resolver:

Make sure that you have configured your device with a DNS resolver compatible with the VPN you use so DNS queries are routed through VPNs.

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What is an IP Leak Test?

IP Leak Testing are the tools that determine the IP address and makes sure whether IP is leaked or exposed using any VPN. These tools check for various leaks and conduct an IP leak test.

There are several online IP leak testing tools available that you can use and look for details. So you can get your data safe and secure.

Summary about how to Fix IP Leak?

Let’s summarize a few important key points to Fix An IP leak:

  • Fixing an IP leak entails taking a number of precautionary actions to keep your IP address secret and secure.
  • Make sure to always select a reliable VPN provider with strong security features like a kill switch and strong encryption methods.
  • Enable the kill switch option. It will automatically deactivate your internet connection if the VPN connection is lost, in order to get you safe from IP leaks.
  • Additionally, use online IP leak-checking tools to frequently test your VPN connection for IP leaks.

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FAQs about How To Protect IP from Leaking:

Below are the answers to frequently asked questions about protecting the IP from getting leaked:

Is leaking someone’s IP address illegal?

Yes, if you leak the IP address of someone without asking them, then it is illegal. In terms of technology, it is known as a violation of privacy. It has many jurisdictions and is illegal too. The privacy laws are different in different regions but it is important that you protect others data and refrain from getting leaked.

What are the Potential dangers of IP leaks?

Due to IP leaks, your online security and privacy can have various risks. If your IP address gets exposed, anyone can track all your online activities and monitor browsing habits too. Moreover, hackers try to make unauthorised access using your IP address to do malicious activities that are a part of cyber crimes.

How can I fix an IP leak?

If you want to fix an IP leak, it involves taking preventive measures so you may protect the IP address. These include using a Reputable VPN service that also features a kill switch and has strong protocols for encrypting data. Another thing you can do is test the VPN connection daily by using IP leak testing tools.

How do I find out whether my IP address was leaked?

Launch your browser, navigate to, and record your IP address. Then you will need to Log in to your VPN. Then select a remote server, and confirm that you’re connected. You will know if it is leaked.

Can hackers see what my IP address is?

For security and legal reasons, any website and app you visit can see and record your IP address. If you browse compromised sites, hackers detect if you are a viable target. Malicious hackers will scan your Wi-Fi network in order to check the devices.

Is it possible for someone to SPY my IP address?

Your IP address is required for sending and receiving data over the internet. A hacker, on the other hand, can utilise your IP address to obtain vital information about you. For starters, they may hack your device or intercept your online traffic using it as a starting point in a larger attack.


In order to maintain online security and privacy, you must protect your IP address. If you understand the main causes of IP leaks and also implement the measures to prevent IP leaks, you can easily minimize the risk of getting exposed while using a VPN.

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